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1.   We plant bamboos in big containers

2.   We care the bamboos until they can be cut after 3 to 5 years and the wood can be harvested.

 3.   We sell the bamboo wood.

 4.   We produce biochar. The biochar is sell only for agricultural purposes or as natural fertilizers or water filters.

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How much removal would have happened without the project?

One of our criteria for carbon removal is whether it would have happened without the existence of the

project, also known as additionality. For natural climate solutions, there is not a single, clear market agreement for how to calculate the baseline against which a project’s impact gets measured.

With Fructu’s process we assure additionality locating the containers pots where the bamboo is grown over paved surfaces such as free spaces in roads, parking lots, industrial parks that can continue to be use in their current uses.

Durability and risk: How long will the carbon dioxide be kept from the atmosphere?

The durability refers to the time that the carbon will be sequestered without returning to the atmosphere. In each process there also are risks that the carbon that has been sequestered can return to the atmosphere.

The durability of carbon removal projects can be categorized as short term (up to 100 years), medium term (100 to 1,000 years), and long term (more than 1,000 years).

Forests and soil—the basis for most carbon project volume on today’s market—are part of Earth’s natural carbon cycle, in which carbon storage is short term (measured in the span of decades). Their carbon removal is inherently impermanent, in contrast to engineered solutions, which can store carbon for the long term (measured in the span of millennia).

The durability of Fructu’s process is related to the production of Biochar that can sequestered CO2 for more than five hundred years.

Leakage: Will the same emissions just occur elsewhere?

Some projects inadvertently shift emissions from one geographic area to another area (including internationally) that is not counted in the project claim. Activity leakage occurs when an activity is displaced from one geographic area to a nearby area. Market leakage occurs when a project reduces supply of a specific product, but market demand encourages others to provide that product instead. An IFM project, for example, might lead to carbon removal in one area by letting trees grow longer but may indirectly result in trees being cut elsewhere to satisfy timber market demands, thereby negating removal.

We do not identify leakage in Fruktu´s carbon capture and storage process.

Can be measure the amount of carbon capture and sequestered and can be verify by a third party?

 In our process we look that the amount of CO2 captured can be measurable and could be verifiable by a third-party verification institution. We also seek to elaborate a Life Cycle Assessments of all the projector and that a clear project documentation will be available.

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